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Read Your Insurance Claim or Get Stung!

Insurance Claim: Read Yours So what actually happens when doctors file a long-term disability insurance claim? Does the process go […]

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A Physician’s Estate Planning Checklist

8 Things to Check & Double-Check as you Prepare Estate planning is a task that people tend to put off, […]

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Which Financial Documents Should You Keep On File?

…and for How Long? You might be surprised how many people have financial documents scattered all over the house – […]

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What Beneficiaries Need To Know

What happens when an account owner passes away? What do beneficiaries need to do? Step into a beneficiary’s shoes to […]

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Choosing Your Beneficiaries

Who should I choose as a beneficiary to inherit my IRA or 401(k)? We’ll answer that and steps you can […]

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Avoid Making the 5 Physician Disability Insurance Blunders

The Most Common Mistakes Physicians Make When Buying a Policy The biggest mistake a physician can make at any point […]

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4 Ways the Affordable Care Act is Impacting Physicians

Heraclitus, the famous Greek philosopher said “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -” Our team could research and […]

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“Claims-made” vs. “Occurrence-based” Malpractice Insurance Coverage

Our physician-clients approach us with many questions regarding malpractice insurance coverage. The most common ones are “what kind of malpractice […]

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Employment and Income Changes

When a doctor changes jobs or their income increases, their disability income protection plan may need to change. It is […]

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